jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

waves questions!!

-1  What are the waves?
A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location.

-2 What are mechanical waves?
A mechanical wave is a wave that is not capable of transmitting its energy through a vacuum. Mechanical waves require a medium in order to transport their energy from one location to another. A sound wave is an example of a mechanical wave.

-3 Why can waves propagate?
Waves can propagate of the interactions forces between particles of the medium

-4 In the ''spring model'' what do the springs represent?
The springs represent interaction forces between particles of a medium

-5 Can you specify two different types of mechanical waves?
Yes, transverse waves and longitudinal waves.

-6 Can you define both kinds of waves?
Longitudinal waves make the particles vibrate parallel to the direction of the wave motion; and transverse waves make the particles vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the wave motion.

-7 What is ''Inertia''?
Inertia is the tendency of objects to resist change in motion when pushed or pulled.

-8 What kind of particles tend to have more inertia?
The higher the mass of an object the greater its inertia.

lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

We can LEARN maths in English, it's very easy!

We are going to explain you English maths:

First of all, you should know the meaning of the signs:

+ = plus 

- = minus 

= = equals / is equal to

x = times 

/ = divided 

Now we will explain to you the operations:

Suma = addition = ADD

Resta = Substraction

Multiplicar = multiplication

Dividir = Division

 Potències = Powers 82

                 eight raised two

eight raised two or, 8 to the power 2, eight raised to the second power, eight squard.

53 = five raised to the third power, five to the power 3, five cubed.

Negative Exponents:

5-3 = five raised to the minues third power


14, 328 (fourteen point three two eight)

3= tenths 1/10

2= hundreths 1/100 

8= thousandths 1/1000



two over four equals 0.5

Round up: 

In the next place beyond where we are teminating the decimal is greater than or equal to five, we round up.
5.47 = 5.50

Round down:

If the number to the right of our terminating decimal place ir four or less, we round down
This is done by leavin ous last decimal place as it is given and discarding all digits to its right
6.734 = 6.73


It's easy, really?

In this link, you can find more information, exercises... about maths!

Our friend Eugeeeeeeene:

Eugene is from Russia,but he grow up in Brooklyn, New York . They (parents and Eugene) moved to USA because life in Russia was so hard,and still does,we guess. Mostly,the are only 2 levels of economical situation. On the one hand, there's a very rich part without problems or difficulties,and,on the other hand,there's the poor and homeless part that has to work very hard to survive everyday. That was the reason to move to NewYork,Brooklyn and enhance their lifestyle.

Eugene has studied anthropology in the college (not oxford but a good one).

There he tried new sensations and feelings. And he missed his old gansta homies of brooklyn.

When he finished his studies, he didn't find a proper job and decided to start an amazing adventure in spain.
He has fell in love with us and our lifestyle and viewpoint of life and for that reason is still here.

Things about him and his hobbies:

He loves Folk music,Chambao (God save the queen) and we hope he hates Justin Bieber.
He enjoys a lot to drink Frapuchinos, chocolate coffees,mocattel with sugar,ice coffees,cherry coke...

Now, we only know this, but, when we meet more times Eugene, we will be able to speak more about him.

Thank you for being every Tuesday with us!